Thank you Terry, I am going to give this math a try this evening. I have had a real miss and miss with this, hobbing a worm wheel with a tap. Was shooting for 40 tooth and first try ended up with 44 teeth. Second try after trying some other math, 36 and maybe 1/2 teeth.
What you have provided is completely different than anything else I have found on the subject. I'll now be shooting for a 36 tooth with a 1/2" - 13 worm.
If I did your math correct, I get a PD=0.8814 / DP=40.8441 / OD=0.9303.
Here's to hoping this time it works out.
One thing, how far will i want to advance the cutter (tap) into the work? Does 0.047 sound about right? (major diameter - minor diameter) / 2 or for a class 2A thread, (0.4985-0.4041)/2=0.0472
Again, thanks for your input on this.
Mark - (who is learning something new today)