Re: work bench
I have never seen one of these beds that you can go out and buy, well not true as there was one advertised somewhere in Britain for 4000 pounds. When I first made it, it was hanging 12" off the floor, which put the matress at 36" off the floor, but couple of weeks ago we got a new matress set and it was higher. The bed ended up at 39" off the floor and even I was having a hard time getting in, so dropped it to 6" and the total height 33". GF was having to roll into bed before and at 39" needed a stool.
Sailboat, there are hundreds of hours involved, stripping off 30 years of who knows what on who knows what. Stripped off all the old bottom paint, right down to the fiberglass, fixed any holes and gashes that previous owner had incurred, faired then applied 6 coats of Interlux 2000E, epoxy with titanium shingles, sanded to 220 Grit and then 4 coats of VC 17 Bottom Paint with Teflon. Boat increased in hull speed by over a knot.
Boat stands, I had a client come in and wanted 2 boats stands that were just a bit shorter than the one commercially made one and a bit larger than the other. So I said sure that it would be an interesting project. Since I was ordering stock in for it, I grapped some extra and made 4 of the low stands and 4 of the higher stands, sold him two of the lower stands and kept the rest for my own use or rental. Now the stands I made ended up being about twice the weight of the commercially made ones, and way more sturdy.
Yup, could have ordered them in, but now I have the pride of not only owning, but in having made them and they are much better than the store bought.