Wood Machinists box at Costco

Lol. Does that work with yours? Mine would just remember the $140 part ever time she brought it up. Something like "You just bought a $140 tool box."
The boxes you guys are talking about are not like the boxes I got. Mine(I bought 2 sets) are as large as a #92,or is it #72 ?52?(can't remember,never paid the tariff on a real Gerstner :)) Gerstner,has a riser base,and underneath the big roll about cabinets with drawers about 7 " deep. The tool box and the risers are solid red oak,no veneered MDF. They were not real cheap,but,like I said,about 10% the cost of real Gerstners. I may have paid about $400.00 per set of tool box,riser,and roll about cabinet. The Roll about IS veneered MDF on the top and sides. The drawers are solid oak.
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Mine was delivered Monday. I had to get it to the shop fast because the Bride said it would be perfect for her sewing room....
Mine arrived today, and it isn't bad for the price, but don't make plans to put your copy of Machinery's Handbook in the middle drawer; it isn't tall enough. Anyway, yes, it is made of MDF with some sort of veneer on the outside, might be vinyl, but it sure seemed to be wood. It seems to be rather well built, and no, it is not a Gerstner, but I didn't pay Gerstner price for it either!

I thought too that it would be perfect for my wife as a sewing box, but she didn't seem very interested in having one. Her current sewing box is packed to the gills and the legs are wobbly, so I told her she could have this one if she wants it and I'll order another one, but she didn't say anything. She's gone to bed now, so I'll leave it in the living room and see if it gets hijacked or not.
One issue I've found so far is that the drawers don't have stops and easily pull all the way out, potentially spilling all the contents. Although the front cover has a stop which works well. The lid is also missing a mirror commonly found in machinist style boxes.

I noticed that about the drawers, too, but I can live with that, and can probably come up with some sort of stop system, given a little time... never mind, I've got an idea already.

As for the mirror, If I want to stand there and admire myself, there's a BIG mirror in the bathroom. :D