None of the small Grizzly's have power cross feed.
And I agree completely. One of the things I hate most about these small Chinese lathes is the gear changing. That is a real pain. It also increases the footprint of the lathe because you have to be able to open the gear-cover door. That either adds a foot to the length or requires the machine be on casters so it can easily be pulled out for access. But that is a problem with a 600-1,000 lb lathe that would better be solidly mounted.
What is a Jet 10x24? I didn't know they made one. A simple search doesn't turn it up. Can you give me a pointer?
Thanks, Keith
That's all a good argument for a CNC conversion (although it won't shorten the lathe's footprint).
Threads and tapers are cut by programming rather than gear changing, and the cross-feed is powered as part of the conversion.
Using a pendant, as discussed elsewhere, will allow you retain full manual control.