Which of these file sets to buy?

For the shop I have purchased the second set twice. After that I was able to find a couple boxes of the 10" & 12" bastard files at the local hardware store that was closing down. Since then I buy boxes of files as needed. Cheapest way to go after you have an idea of what you tend to use the most. I personally use the 6" and 10" bast and smooth files the most, therefore my stock reflects this.

Use chalk if required, use the file card and do not drag the file back across the material on the return stroke. Store the files in a way that they do not touch each other.
Looks like a consensus on the second set for $66.00.
I want to buy myself an indicol for when I get the mill set up, a 5c collet rack, and a couple of other items, and before you know it, you are up to $150.

Thanks guys!
