The quick change tool post is nice, but it is just a time saver. You can pretty much do everything with the standard tool posts until you get sick of them.
I'm not sure what the standard tool posts are on your lathe but I used the standard tool posts on mine for 2 years just fine. I did finally break down and get a quick change type from Little Machine Shop and it is a nice thing to have.
You might want to look into using high speed steel tooling instead of carbide. It works well on the small lathes and is cheaper. You can grind them yourself as well as resharpening them. There is a great thread about grinding your own tools here.
You will also find that you can make a lot of your own tools from plans and kits, and often just by eyeball for simple things.
As far as delivery, these little lathes are not that heavy, most are well under 100lbs so no need for special equipment beyond maybe a hand truck to get it into your shop.
Tons of good educational lathe videos on youtube.