Where is the value ?

No one is interested in buying an old change gear machine.

It is usable, just not woth anything as a complete machine.

How much are you asking for it? Maybe you are asking too much or offering it in the wrong places.

A SB 9C in decent shape would be a big improvement over any of the Chinese 7-9" lathes and at least equal to most of the 10". Lots of people are buying those lathes.

That 9C is still competitive with most modern lathes of comparable size. I believe only PM's 10x22 has a power crossfeed, and none of the current lathes under a 12" swing has a QCGB, at least none that are affordable to a hobbyist (Grizzly South Bend Heavy 10 has a QCGB but is $9500).