Where is the Cross Slide Lock on PM-1660TL?

sorry Erik, that was directed at myself as I should have been able to find it if I had taken the time to read the manual. Based on your comment I should change it to SSWIITFM, as in "seller should write it in the .... manual" :)
sorry Erik, that was directed at myself as I should have been able to find it if I had taken the time to read the manual. Based on your comment I should change it to SSWIITFM, as in "seller should write it in the .... manual" :)

It’s all good
One of the rarely discussed downsides of a DRO - it often covers up or makes access difficult to a few things such as locks and oilers. Especially a quick install as typically done by the dealer. Many folks re-mount the DRO or make other workarounds to fix this, or change DROs.