What's your shopping experience with AliExpress?

I am noticing that, one by one, they are improving the buying experience.
Forgot to mention, I'm not promoting Aliexpress nor am I praising them, but their somewhat new option for Choice shipping is pretty nice IMO. Spend over $10 & shipping is free, can get very inexpensive items for cheaper than any other way possible by far.

But hey, some people will always hate HF & think everything HF sells is made in China just like they will never consider buying anything from Aliepxress just because it's China. But whatever, US can make junk too but will certainly cost more. No point in arguing or getting mad about it, I just accept it..... at least know when to accept it.
I buy a fair bit on Aliexpress. Like ebay, there are some crooks, but if you can navigate their site, eventually, you'll find how to get a refund. That is the biggest problem - navigating their site, not as easy as eBay.

I recently bought a DRO. It was never delivered, tracking said it was returned to the warehouse as the seller never signed it off. They kept telling me it was on the way, but tracking told another story.

After eventually finding how to get a refund Aliexpress stepped in and the funds appeared back in my account.

The biggest problem is navigating their site.
Aliexpress has exceeded my expectations recently: I ordered one of those incredibly cheap 2' facemills from Aliexpress (I paid $30 with arbor and inserts). The facemill's R8 arbor did not seat fully in my mill since the slot for the anti-rotation screw was not long enough. I complained and the seller gave me the usual "dear friend" run around for a good week of messaging. Finally I had enough and raised a dispute with Aliexpress. They had one look and refunded me my money in about 2 hours total. It seemed to help that I had a number of transactions and this was my first dispute.
Fellas, sorry for the long post. I too have purchase from AliExpress. This year quite a bit and most transactions went fine but the two that didn't makes me never want to do business with them again. The first bad experience did eventually get corrected but the second one did not. The seller contacted me and ask me to cancel the order because they did not have the item to ship and would receive a fine. I thought it strange but attempted to cancel the order but it had shown as shipped, hung up at clearing customs, for weeks and I was informed that I could not cancel. I messaged the seller who told me to open a dispute and they would get me a refund. I did and hit tons of red tape run around. Even with screenshots of the messages from the seller uploaded as proof AliExpress refused to issue a refund until the 90 day buyer protection was fulfilled. In the meantime, a package arrived that I did not order, I contacted AliExpress and they were not able to tell me who or where it was from. I contained two very small Childs toys. Shortly thereafter AliExpress shows my disputed item as delivered. I contested, uploaded screenshots of all the messages, spent hours on the phone and it went right back to the buyer protection you have to wait. I asked did they read what the seller stated on my message screenshots where it was admitted that they did not have the item to ship and the time was after it was shown received? I also reminded them that they could go to the messages in their own system and see where no less than ten times the vendor apologized (over a space of 6 weeks) for not being able to fulfill my order because they did not have the product to ship. I then received a message from the problem seller stating they had sent me some free gifts as an apology, you guessed it the Child's toys. I uploaded this screenshot also and was ignored. I suspected that the "gifts" were why my missing package showed delivered all of the sudden and I stated this to the seller and AliExpress chat and email helpdesk. Since they will not provide you with enough accessible information to correlate all the detail I couldn't prove it. When I asked Ali to provide proof they stated they could not, once it was delivered that information was gone. I told them I had incoming orders and if they arrived before my refund was issued that our business dealing were done, that I would immediately close my accounts and help them steal my money that they were so determined to keep. That did get me an email response, the next morning, stated it was being reviewed. We now if I go to look at the update on the dispute it say waiting on AliExpress to make a decision, this usually takes two days. They definitely didn't say what two days as it has been over three weeks. If I contact them I am told "we are working on it dear" and nothing takes place. As I have been venting to coworkers, another individual just went through similar circumstances and lost over a thousand dollars to them. I am not a tenth of that but still very angry. I have three outstanding items, that should arrive this week, after that I will not do any business with them again regardless of how cheap the item is. I have contacted my credit card and PayPal to handle the situation, probably should have done it from the start but I was trying to play by the rules. I'm still not sure which of the two or both maybe are screwing this up but even with all the clean sales I have had with them it doesn't make up for it. They used to be good but no more. Hopefully this will save someone else from similar issues.
Wow, that's an episode you don't want again! Can understand you being upset with them. Hope there wasn't too much money involved..
I'll take back what Imsaid before, terrible won't be using aliexpress again. A recent purchase arrive and it didn't work, so I applied for a refund. Unfortunately, I had bought from the seller before, for which I did receive s refund, however, AliExpress kept confusing my second request for s refund with the first and kept marking it as completed. Over three days I applied over a dozen times before I had success. I returned the item but no refund, two weeks later I did get a refund but no communication from AliExpress at all.
Given previous experience and the fact they are Chinese I question whether it was a mistake or an intentional mistake.
Their site is a piece of rubbish, impossible to navigate when you want a refund and again I would question if this is intentional.