I discovered Really Useful Boxes a few years ago and keep a selection on hand; mostly purchased at Staples during sales and using rewards.Nicely organized and filled little shop. I need to stop taking my bigger pole barn for granted and am working trying to organize it better. First things was doing a purge of most things that are not a tool of some sort, and moved stuff to outside unheatable storage spaces, so I could bring more tools in that needed to. As I place and move things around to fit, I’ll start bringing in some storage stuff, as I can find nook and crannies to fit it. Then I can start the storage places organizing better.
I will say you have a small fortune in storage containers organizers!
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There’s more, but that’s another video to make.A complete hardware store in plastic boxes.
Loc-Line Vacuum Hose Installations
I previously posted (somewhere) the Loc-Line hose with the large/wide nozzle at my Mini-Mill:
View attachment 475433
And now have finally finished the one for the Mini-Lathe:
View attachment 475434
This one snakes behind the lathe and has a tapered nozzle (can swap the nozzles, but not an easy task).
I'll post a video of them in action once I have put them into practice.
Looking forward to that.I'll post a video of them in action once I have put them into practice.