What type of information should be in here?


Site Founder
Sep 22, 2010
We're setting up this beginner's forum.

What type/information should we post here?
Vocabulary for tools and machining processes, links to helpful websites.
Maybe some help deciding which 'must have' tools and accessories are going to be useful to a beginner, which will be a waste of money and which ones might be really useful,

as often a pointer on how to get good results by thinking outside the box can save a lot of time and money.
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How about a "Dumb Questions" thread? I'm so new at this I feel like a toddler asking NASA scientists for help building my own airplane. A specific Q and A for the Beginners Forum might help all of us (beginners) at least pick up some terminology and save the rest of you from answering the same questions repeatedly elsewhere.

EDIT: also, I have a used machine that came with LOTS of tooling- Much of the tooling is self explanatory, meaning I can deduce how to use it, but much of it might as well be alien technology.
How about stand alone (Pic heavy) tutorials highlighting specific tools and their usage- "how to use your dividing head" "How to use your rotary table", "How to cut a taper" "what in the world is a 1-2-3-Block" "why you need an adjustable parallell set" Something with lots of pics that would be more useful than our owners manuals. I bet these types of threads would see tons of traffic over time.
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:+1: to all the posts above.
A technical dictionary would be great, specially with pics.
By the way, I'm giddy with excitement over the beginner's forum- this is a great idea!. This site is already the most welcoming place on the internet for the beginning machinist (who need this type of place the most). How about randomly giving some small prizes to the more experienced members who receive a "thanks" or post a tutorial in the beginners forum as an incentive to pull the non-beginners here to help? Just a thought, I'm probably overthinking.... Along those lines though, I'd like to contribute $ to this site, how do I do that? Is there an upgraded membership or something I can buy?
Could it be that we will be constantly asking that question? To me there is no clear threshold for who is a beginner and what is beginner material and information. What problem are we trying to fix by adding a beginners forum?