What size of vise for a 16" shaper?

Good advice Rick. I'll see what I can dig up in the way of manuals.



I already have SB's "How to Run a Metal Working Shaper" which is pretty much the same as the military manual (Wonder if they paid royalties to SB? :)). The other manual, "Machinery Repairman" is a great resource. All kinds of good information in there even if it's not all shaper related.

Thank you very much,

You make an excellent point as I'm sure there were (probably still are) many that never saw or will see the full fruits of their labor. I'm going to make sure I get everything I do down in writing. :biggrin:

On a different note, a miracle occurred! A vise showed up on a local Craig's List ad that appears to be acceptable for what I want. That never happens! :eek: I'm meeting with the owner tomorrow afternoon to exchange some $$$ for it. Here is a picture of it:

It's listed as a "News #2 vise 10.5x12.5" It's a bit smaller than I was looking for but I'm not one to "look a gift horse in the mouth" as these things never come up for sale around here. I asked the owner to measure the bolt pattern on it and the numbers he gave me were "in the ballpark" so I'm not 100% sure. I'm not sure where he indicated off of for those measurements, what he used, or how precise he tried to be. I'm thinking that the slots should allow for a bit of leeway so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

You'll be able to put at least 2 bolts in the slots then use a couple hold down bars for the other 2. Great find
You'll be able to put at least 2 bolts in the slots then use a couple hold down bars for the other 2. Great find

Kind of what I was thinking. I'll take some pics and post how it's going to work once I get my mitts on it. :)

Almost forgot. Here's a pic of the shaper belt that I need to replace...

I thought the folded canvas belt was kind of interesting. It uses wire loops/pin, like you would expect, to join the belt together.
