What Shaper is this one?

I don't think I've ever seen a shaper that used change gears before. Most interesting.
I don't think I've ever seen a shaper that used change gears before. Most interesting.

I guess this gives different speeds for the machine, given no variable speed motors. Also given none of them have been used, maybe they are not really that necessary. I guess time will tell. I have a bunch of change gears for my lathe and in three years have only changed the gears once and after cutting an odd sized thread, changed back to the standard gears which do most stuff.

I also scored some handy stock in steel, bright steel and stainless that the previous owner had in his shed (the photo show a selection but there was quite a lot more in sizes up to about 4inches diameter). Also some reamers so all in all a fun day.

Almost a 12" stroke. Nice size you should be able to do some decent work with that range.
That machine looks like it operates much like an Atlas 7 inch. One thing to be very careful of when first starting out is to make sure when you adjust the stroke that the clapper box doesn't come back and hit the front of the casting. The guy I bought my shaper from had never run one and when he was showing it off to me he crashed it. It's easy to do when changing stroke length and stroke position if you aren't really careful.

That looks like a well made machine. Since those change gears haven't been used, I'd bet you got a mint machine there. Another plus is the universal table. Wish mine had that. Good luck and have fun with it!
Guard the vise with your life! Shaper vises have four bolt holes, unlike drill press, milling vises, and general use vises, that normally have only two holes to bolt down. Shaper vises , by themselves, unattached to a shaper, are extremely rare. So much so that often shapers without a vise, were considered next to useless. So, great find!

That is a beautiful machine. Just spectacular. I was reading the info on the lathes.uk link. They were making those shapers into the 1970’s
Just gorgeous. Nice score !
I guess this gives different speeds for the machine, given no variable speed motors.

i have a small shaper i use for internal keyways. it doesn't have a variable speed motor but i easily change speed on the fly. are you sure those gears go with that machine?