What Parallel set to start with?

if you want to be a real hobbyist you could make your own parallels as a project on your mill. In the Workshop Practice Series 35 Milling a Complete Course Harold Hall describes a method to make acceptable parallels. I have made two sets.
Enjoy your machines.
I located several available books by Harold Hall besides the one you mentioned, "Milling a complete Course". Which other book by Harold Hall do you suggest?
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Harold Hall has several interesting books in addition to Milling, such as Metal Lathe for Home Machinist . In that series is a book by Ivan Law, Gears and Gear Cutting that is a valuable resource. I also have a text book that I use extensively Machineshop Operations and Setups, by Lascoe, Nelson and Porter. How to Run a Lathe by south Bend and the one by Atlas Press are good machining sources in my opinion.
Have a good day