What oil to use?

Maybe some PS fluids are different but, in every car I've ever owned, the manual says to use ATF for power steering. -Worked as a mechanic during the 70's and 80's and we always used ATF but then again, times have changed and maybe new cars are different.


I've had cars that used ATF for power steering too, but not all do, and there is a difference between ATF and "power steering fluid." If he says he's using "power steering fluid," I assume he's reading that off the bottle, in which case it isn't ATF. I spilled power steering fluid on my paint before, an' it dun got ate up. If you're still, curious you could google "does power steering fluid eat paint?" and see all the forum stories like mine.
Has anyone ever used STP oil treatment or Motor Honey to lube
Do Not use STP or Motor Honey to lubricate the ways. STP is a viscosity improver. In short, it can make a single grade oil get closer to a multi-weight oil. I do not know how far the range is extended. Just know that the above mentioned are not designed to be a lubricant on their own, they are additives.