What is a collector and why are they despised by many???

If I dig deep enough in the barn, I bet there's a mustang hiding. Another day, time to feed the horse. Haven't seen much of him since '69 either.
Here is what a dedicated collector may have to go through. One of my specialties is collecting IH dairy equipment. For twenty years I have been soaking and trying to free up this very rare 1909 Bluebell cream harvester. I was asked by our local IH collector chapter to bring my awesome dairy display to our annual show this summer which renewed my efforts to get this machine restored. <http://www.hobby-machinist.com/showthread.php/5217-Making-a-bevel-pinion-gear?highlight=bevel+gear>. Check this out. That is where my machine shop tools come into play with my limited amount of talent.
Also some of you have been following my 56 Studebaker restoration as well. Again special tools were needed for the engine and suspension work which we were able to make. We hope to paint the bottom next week.
It is a small person to despise someone for something that has little or no personal effect. I read the vitreous quote (#13) and was taken aback that anyone could have so much power over someone else to make them spew those words. Crimney a simple no thanks would have sufficed.
Collectors have a purpose of preserving, owners do the same but for use and not just to display. Many a collection has been sold out to people who actually start running the machines. A local here has a house full of lathes all restored, none used, more power to him. I like to look at old machinery whether they have swarf on them or polish. You can bet that in the next 20yrs those machines will be mostly making chips in garages around the area. I really don't see either side of the equation running up the price too much. I can see either party bidding up a nearly new old machine as desirable and only one goes home with it. Open market set the price. I don't even despise the folks who buy old machines and part them out, parts have to come from somewhere and I like to think the machines where clapped out on arrival.

If you want to collect it and don't want it used just outbid me! I'll congratulate you when it's over.

I know a few collectors of various things, and I don't know of anyone who dislikes them, much less "despises" them. I think that perhaps some rather admire them.

Despise is an awfully strong word.
In the context of this thread, it seems that the presumed dislike (or whatever you may call it) is related to people who acquire "things" and never use them, or possibly take ownership simply to keep those things off the market, or away from anyone else. People who buy machinery, for example, rarely buy it just to have, from my observation. It's not like stamps, coins, or porcelain dolls. That sort of thing is merely to look at, or put on display....or even possibly as a financial investment. Or just to have.

In any case, it must be left to the individual to determine whether or not to use, or just collect things.
People with that kind of money aren't "mental", they're "eccentric".:biggrin:
If you get enjoyment and personal satisfaction from collecting then thats good enough reason to collect. You and I like Nelson and others have a deep appreciation of the tools and procedures they used in the days gone by. Imagine an M-1 tank made with the technology available in WW II. And old tools are the best tools.....Period. So if whatever you do makes you smile, then you should keep on doing it until there is no more smile. My .02, but I am with Billy on this one.
Without the collector,you would never see a 1969 Mustang. If someone didn't value them,they'd have no value,and would have rusted away long ago,or have been ground up.

So,it's a double edged sword. I just make it beneficial to me by making parts,etc. for mechanical objects that someone who has more money has collected. Then,I have some money too.

I have not set out in life to make big money. It just wasn't in me. I set out to be a craftsman and musician. The musicianship in me wasn't GREAT,but the craftsmanship worked for me. I know what I'm good at,and do not despise those who had the gift for making money. That was their gift. Most of the things in my large shop were bought by money I made fixing collectibles.:)
I am apologetic in advance for the rant I am about to embark on, I realize as the FNG, I have no right but this topic hits me where I live! Collectors are the LOWEST FORM OF LIFE Known to man, COLLECTORS strangle the future of this once Great Country! I WAS THE kid that grew up reading Hot Rod, and shouldn't have gone to college, and by the Grace of GOD and Shop class Barely by the skin of my teeth finished High School. At 16 my Father gave me a choice, Join the Corps or Get out, and I did. I had friends in Dallas, and found a warehouse apt (in Deep Ellum, the BOHO part of Town) for $400/mo. That gave me a ton of room to work on my art and Mechanical interests. then by 1992 I was priced out of my apt/shop by People with no talent or work that want to "BUY" there way in to a lifestyle, the Faux Artists, and Nuvo Poor with enough money to look the part of being the cool BOHO. I bought my First Harley from Jesse Brown @ Browns custom cycle for $1500 in Milk Crates, and on Payments ;), and I tell you that old man let me build the bike in his shop while I was paying on it. NO WAY in Heck I could do that today. Thanks to the rich doctor Lawyer Bikers that have "Bought" there way in to a "KOOL" lifestyle. they have priced ME and every other Good kid out of the Market, so that good kid with a keen interest in mechanical thing, that could become a Productive Man, is instead priced out of any kind of Hot Rod / Motorcycle ect.. Because when some Jerk is willing to Pay $40K for a $500 Car, that $500 car becomes worth $40k

and let me tell you why "Collectors" are Despised By me. They are in that same vain of the "Buying in to a Life Style". 5-6 years ago (when I was Forced in to Retirement) I'd see Serviceable Watchmaker's Lathes go for under $100. I've been dreaming of having one for years, but due to the popularity of them among "Collectors", a good deal is about $1000. Once again People who will never use or understand the tool, will have it, and a guy like me that NEED and will use it EVERYDAY, is priced out. I'll never have one, so I make due every day with my little Unimat DB I was lucky enough to get in 1985 for $100 before they became COOL to the "Collectors"! AND Yes I understand Inflation, but when it becomes cool to have these "Trophy" Toys, and a guy like me that will use ride and work on them gets priced out, it's irritating
All collectors are not the way you depict them. In your assumption that they are you are wrong. I just gave a watchmakers lathe to a friend that wanted it and could not afford one. It was part of my machine tool collection. None of my tool collection stays on the shelf. They are all used at one time or another. Sorry you feel the way you do but I can't change that. The collector did not raise the price the market did.
Your rant is duly noted, but I believe misdirected. Have a nice day. No I am not the exception to the rule, there are a lot of us and we are extremely nice people to get to know.

"Billy G" :biggrin:

I'm sorry if I offended you but in My world I am correct, when there is a Guy willing to out bid me to have another trophy for his collection, then that tool becomes worth that price. Now if you USE Those tools you're not a Collector , You're a User. Much like I know a Rich Doctor Biker, and he's a heck of a good Guy, and Doctor, He saved my life when I had 2 Anyrusims. He has a 2 year old $35K Dresser HD with less than 20k Miles on it, and recently bought a $120k Jesse James Bike he can't handle. Now That guy is a Collector. and when Guys like that are willing to Spend that kind of money to have a trophy, those Trophies become worth that kind of $$$$. My Problem is seeing a Rose Lathe in some one's collection and the skill of how to use it dies out because it is the centerpiece of some collection.

[EDIT] I Apologize Billy, upon Reflection I guess I'm a self Pitying, Self Absorbed Elitist. and maybe I'm just Very Jealous of Guys that can afford to Fritter away money while I have to make due with what ever scraps they throw down on me. I get frustrated when I see tools on epay and have to bid against guys with enough money to keep me out of the CLUB. I'm so desperate for a watchmakers lather with a cross slide I can carry to Slot Car races, the Unimat is way too big and heavy!
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