Here's my opinion and I'm sticking to it (until you guys show me I'm wrong). The drill had a clean break, the dark discoloration is from contamination of the cutting fluid. When a drill chatters like that the drill is loaded up and then snaps against the rotation when it finally cuts the metal and then loads up again to start the process over. Most likely there was defection in the drill that cause one flute to dig in and take all the load causing a rotating action on that flute. On my lathe there was excessive play in the pin that keeps the tailstock spindle from rotating and it would chatter like that, I'm not saying that is your cause but something to check. How to cure? I have never tried it but the piece of cloth wold be easy to try, next make sure the SFM is correct and if nothing else load the drill up. Once the drill gets in deep enough the hole sill help support the drill.