What do I need to mill on my machine???


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Hi I'm new to machining. I'm getting passable with the lathe and have tried to mill today but failed. I chucked up the end mill in a drill chuck and you guys probably already know the results. It wobbled and then started to come down and I've milled a ramp in the stock. So my project stopped until I get this figured out.

I have an R-8 spindle and I know I need some sort of collet but was wondering which ones are the best to get. Prob go with Chinese as I don't have a lot of money to burn. Please share your thoughts and advice.

Most any brand of collet will work. The cheaper they are the more cheezy they will be on wearing out quickly.

The ones from Enco are probably your better choice.

Yea, drill chucks don't get along with endmills. I get lazy once a while chuck up one to use for a quick counterbore and thats about it. No milling slots or any other mill work.
I got the South Bend q/c collet set and really like it, but it's pricey. Another option is getting end mills with a common shank size and an end mill holder. That option is very cheap and very rigid and accurate.

My stock chuck was not accurate so having the option, I opted for a german albrecht replacement that has not dissappointed in the least. The stock chuck is something to take off and use as a paper weight so far as any accuracy goes.
you can get a set of R-8 collets, or you can get an ER collet set with an ER collet holder for not that much $$$ and have a good range of sizes (each ER collet has a good range of sizes it can grip, and has a good grip on tooling).
I have had only 1 Chinese r8 collet that didn't run pretty true,and it was WAY out. I do wonder what some of these R8 accessories are made of,though. My journeyman had an R8 to #3 morse Taper adapter that broke somehow. The break looked like cast iron! I have noticed when making alterations to mills so Servo brand power feeds intended for real Bridgeports would fit,that parts I thought were made from steel bar stock were made from cast iron. Seems they use cast iron wherever possible in China!!

I haven't had a collet break yet,but if one ever does,I won't be surprised to see cast iron.
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to save money you can get a (r8 to 3/8" endmill holder and a set of endmills all with 1/2 inch shanks). that will cover 1/8 - 1/2" thats not a bad start. i just seen a set on ebay the other day ...
this set is 3/8 shanks http://www.ebay.com/itm/6-HSS-1-8-1...524?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item519937909c
the holder http://www.ebay.com/itm/ADAPTOR-FOR...887?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a0c18658f
low cost start $48.00 and a lot safer

Hay jumps4

Did you read what you typed. :rofl: How do you put 1/2" shank in 3/8" holder :nono:

Just having a little fun knew what you ment :thumbzup:

i seen that i started out looking for the 1/2" and found the 3/8 for less money forgot to edit it all. lol