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i think that i see what is holding it in, looking at the "square" pc, on the east and west side of the hole, you can see it looks like a "clip"
A 22mm hole is just a ½ trade size or ⅝ hole. Or is it ¾ trade size which is ⅞"? (Been a while since I had to do the conversions between metric and SAE)

It mounts to the door with the button on the outside and the mechanism on the inside of the box. The back plate I see removed holds the switch in place and the threaded black washer holds it securely. All the locations for the wires is accessible once you put it all together. And you won't have to open the box to get power to the VFD.
Pics of the release mechanism and it apart please?
I'm too invested not to know! LOL
see this pic, see the pc on the right, the squarish thing, in the hole in the middle on the east and west side of that hole, there is a lil clip, with the switch together, you place small flat blade screw driver and pry the column from the clip and up it comes
