Welding helmet for my son

M.T. your right on that. Me personally, I have got to have lots of light, and I lightened the shade to where I was seeing spots to see well with the 9100. For my use the 3350 has been better, I have +300-+400 reading glasses to see my welds, and the 3350 is a better fit for me clarity wise.
If you really want to show him some love and if is going to be a welder, get him a Optrel. The newest model is really nice, probably the clearest view of any helmet ever made. I have a friend who runs our welding school, he gets to use all makes of helmets( they are donated to the school by the manufactures ) I got to try the new Optrel last week, WOW what a helmet! Made my 5 year old Optrel, which I think is pretty good, look bad.
Is that the 2.0 version?
I am not sure, I will get a hold of my friend and find out and report back.
Thanks, Google has a few listed
Here is what he sent me;

"Well there are two different models. The first one is the e684 and the second one is the Crystal. I have both of them here if you would like to try them out. There are pros on both of them for different reasons. The e684 handles high amperage up in the 12-14 shade a little better and works better out in the sun. The Crystal gets 2 shades lighter when it goes from dark to light or what would be the grind mode. But that light shade is too light to use the grind mode for use with an acetylene torch or a plasma cutter and that is were the e684 really works well. But both of them are fabulously clear in the “auto” mode especially for low amperage TIG welding between shades 8-10"

Hope this helps. I tried the Crystal( which I think is the newest) when I was there, but not the e684.
Thank you for the information, I will TIG in the future, but for now it's MIG, and plasma.
I sure as heck wouldn't show up with a hood that has some garish decals of an eagle tearing through a flag with lightning bolts in its talons or maybe a skull with a rattlesnake breathing fire on it. I laugh when I see those guys, makes me wonder what kind of chromed-up Jeep or super duty mail-order bolt-on job they drive.
I am so with you on that! Before even I figure out the milliseconds darkening specifications, and what is a good value price, I have to negotiate a minefield of artwork taste that fails to compliment even the dirtiest bit of angle iron before it is cleaned up and shown some skill.

There is other "artwork" on helmets out there, but the range of decals you refer to are from a fairly limited set.


Definitely not for me!
Oh hell - lets do the arty fashion pseud's thing..

"The exaggerated expression of aggressive fantasy, coupled with the need to mask some internal insecurity by making an overt artistic statement, introduces a fine element of progressive determination into an unashamedly macho environment - welding, and welders, where might even be found some concealing outright redneck attitudes!"
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My Lincoln has Thor on it. Don't really care what anybody thinks about the "artwork". Not sure the model but I'm very pleased with it. Don't do a lot of welding and don't want to mess with batteries like my old HF model. Been a while but I think I paid less than $100 on sale.