Vintage Starrett 56a Score

I have a couple of different sized ones and use them frequently.
With the scriber point you can transfer dimensions on the surface plate but mine gets used mostly with a test indicator mounted on it. Great for setting up work parallel to the face of the mill table, with the base on the table and the indicator tip on the work. They have two retractable pins on the base, with them out you can slide it along the edge of the mill table to set work parallel to the edge the table.

They are for general surface plate layout work.

Some have no pins, some have 2 in the back, some have 4 pins (1 in each corner), so that you can reference of the edge of a surface. They can hold indicators or a scribe. A lot of people don't use them anymore, becuse a good height gauge can be more accurate, but not as versatile. For example, a surface gauge can reach over features on a part etc.
Setting two holes in a bolt circle horizontal before cutting a keyway between them.

The result.


One of the big YouTube guys should do a video on this, I did a quick search and couldn't find anything. I guys surface gauges are like toolmakers buttons, a lost art.
Nice score. Making one has been on my list of things to do, but it just keeps getting pushed back for other projects.

Seems I picked up some of that 3/8" stainless rod from a Speedy Metals fire sale, maybe a good project for the weekend...
Nice in the box find. Not too many people know what or even how to use one, I have at least 4 or 5 from the one you have up to one with the base is at least 4 or 5" square . I use to use it to lay out lines on giant bearing blocks for the steel mill. You can do a lot with one of those if ya know how.
I think the height gage with scribe attachment pretty much laid the surface gage to rest. But a cute little Starrett surface gage in nice condition is still eye candy. Or, it makes a nice indicator holder…Dave.
I think the height gage with scribe attachment pretty much laid the surface gage to rest.

for measuring height yes, but a surface gauge is capable of a lot more than measuring height.
I picked up one at a flea market recently very nice condition but missing the scribe. Any ideas on how to make or obtain a replacement scribe at a reasonable cost?
The scribe is just a pointy piece of metal. Just take a rod the correct diameter for the clamp and either turn it down to a taper or grind it. Doesn't need to be anything special. Use drill rod and harden it afterwards if you want.