Very First Lathe Project.

Great job. Getting the gears right is a bit difficult the first few times. You mostly need to make sure you have enough clearance.
Good Job, Like you I am a newbie to metal turning although I have been a wood turner for many years. Isn't it great to be learning new skills and acquiring the ability to build things you were unable to do before. Metal turning is a lot more regimented and accurate than wood turning which is all done free hand. I am building a lot of little things in order to build other things, sort of snowballs. Sites such as this are a fantastic source of information and help. Keep up the good work.
Welcome and the first is the way to start, one foot in front of the other. The drawbar turned out very nice and you will find the collets are just amazing to use. I made an ER 32 chuck for my South Bend and I would suggest at some point doing the same because it allows you to use it to hold long pieces of stock through the spindle.
Good Luck and happy machining.
Nelson Collar