Variable Speed Controllers for 110V motors

Dang, you did exactly what I'd like to do. As you said, it ain't cheap.
I'd have to ask the cats if I could spend that kind of dough on a hobby.
I was actually impressed at how quiet your motor is. I'm used to steppers being noisy but, to be fair, I'm used to machines that run the steppers slower.

Still.... hmmmm.... I have to stay away from the keyboard later in the evening. That's when I make impulsive decisions and also when I make stupid posts where I forget that my motors are capacitor start.

It wasn't me, just giving a shout-out for a good idea. I thought it was an elegant solution but it all depends on your long-term plans for your machine.
It wasn't me, just giving a shout-out for a good idea. I thought it was an elegant solution but it all depends on your long-term plans for your machine.
Ah, I wasn't paying attention to the author of the other thread. I'm normally more observant.
Thanks for the suggestion then. Curse you for tempting me ;)
I searched a bit and didn't find any answers.
I'd like to add a variable speed controller to my 110V motors. I know I could do a treadmill mod but that doesn't especially interest me.

My budget isn't all that high so the cheaper (functional) the better.

Any ideas?

I have a 9A South Bend lathe that I power with a 1/2 HP permanent magnet DC motor. To drive the motor I use a Penta Power Model KBRG-212D variable speed SCR control. SCR means silicon controlled rectifier. This control is a full wave-4 quadrant device and is capable of driving both permanent magnet and shunt wound dc motors. The controller can power motors up to 3/4 HP when supplied with 120 VAC and 1 HP when supplied with 220 VAC. Being a quadrant drive allows for "plug" reversing motor direction. The control can be configured in 4 ways with regard to speed control and direction.
They are: A) Forward, B) Reverse, C) Bidirectional with Reversing Contact (or switch) and D) Bidirectional with speed pot. All 4 methods provide speed control. A lesser model is also available but it will not tolerate reversing unless the speed control is reduced to zero or the power is switched off for a short time.
There are other manufacturers of virtually identical units. Their cost new is similar to equivalent VFD drives. I sourced several of these on ebay' Of course they will not work on ac motors but they are another option for your consideration.