ER collets have very low TIR, usually around 0.0002", and the R8 holders are around 0.0001". Shar's has some decent nickle plated ER holders that are reasonably priced, they are nicely made and accurate. You can use a ball bearing cinching nut to make collet changes a bit quicker and requires less force to tighten. I have never had an issue with them holding an end mill, the other day I had a 1" end mill in my ER-40 collet, not something I would want to do with an R8 collet. It is important to snap the collet into the nut before it is put in the holder, otherwise it will not seat properly. I like ER system because it is a bit easier then R8 collets if you do not have a power drawbar, it usually requires two wrenches to snug up the nut, although on my knee mill I use the brake.