OK, I am pretty experienced at wiring, but self taught. I put in a wire and test logic, then do another yada yada. When its wrong I fix as I go. I am not able to just sit down and write up an electrical diagram.
My son has almost no electrical logic experience. I have just done it for him.
So, I am breaking the logic wiring into baby steps. Below is my letter to him on getting the start caps working with a timer relay and a small contactor. See any problems?
OK, you got two timer relays and one standard relay.
Both timers have the coil on pins 2 and 7.
Both timers have an NO contact from Pins 1 to pin 3
Lets build your logic one step at a time.
white wire on pin 7 to your common block.
"TEST" wire on pin 2 to someplace you can touch or switch 120 VAC. This will go to the standard relay later.
Another, very short, wire from pin1 to pin2 - hot wire for NO contact.
run a wire from pin3 to the coil on your start relay contactor.
run a white wire to the other side of the coil on the start relay contactor to your common terminal block.
Now test this assembly - touch test wire to 120VAC. Relay should energise after time delay and close start relay contactor.
Get this right and we will do next step.
Up to you but i would number each wire and make up a spreadsheet of where it is connected on each end and its function. then, in 20 years, you can quickly see what this does for quick repairs.