Turbo Jet Engine

I finally built a mount so I can clamp it to something when I start it up, here it is assembled. The tag on the suction end says; WARNING: Any misuse or unauthorized modification of this turbocharger may cause damage or personal injury, use only as specified by manufactures name. I will be using a Model-T ignition, and I need to build an oil system.



Old man Winter has really kept me busy these past weeks, what with shoveling snow, coal, ash, operating the snow blower and taking my daily exercise I finally some time for my project. I figured the best place to start on the oil system was the inlet and outlet flanges. The inlet flange was drilled and tapped something that matched none of the taps in my toolbox, my son thinks it used an O-ring boss fitting, I set it up in the mill and drilled and tapped two 5/16" X 18 holes. the next two pictures are just for bragging rights, set up in my mill with no shims and alt-zeroed on table, close enough for the girls I go with. A half hour dive into my "little pieces of aluminum" bucket yielded the material for the flanges and one of my coffee cans held the needed fittings, now I need a small pump, any suggestions?






In my last post I didn't mention the chore of feeding wild birds and I didn't include photographic evidence of me doing chores or a representation of Old Man Winter. There are 9 turkey's in "our" group, this is the first time we've had them, the whole group of about 40 came through our neighborhood this fall and cleaned out all the grasshoppers.



Here's what I'm using for an oil pump, it's a Ford power steering pump, absolutely the wrong application but everything else I have is too big or small. geared down about 2 1/2 : 1 should keep it from developing too much pressure, and having a built in reservoir saves me from procuring a tank. I went a little overkill on the mount, but it's the only piece of flat stock I had that was big enough, and it already had holes drilled in it, I actually used the hole on the upper left. I laid out the bolt circle, found the center and cut it out with a hole saw, then trimmed off the unnecessary metal with my band saw. I opened up the top of the mount so I could remove the pump without removing the pressed on pulley. I finally had to buy something, a nice piece of 10" channel for the base. I didn't even halve to buy a v-belt as the one for my heating boiler is the right size, the boiler got the new one and my oil system got the used one.




Final assembly of the turbine, I smeared stove cement (good to 2100 degrees) on all the mating parts, you can see how it squeezed out, this tells me I've got a good seal, I used RTV on the compressor discharge. Here's a couple of views down the burner can to the turbine inlet, without the flame holder and with it in place. I'll vacuum the sealant squeezes out before I close up the can. Here's a picture of my friend
Bill, he's building a flintlock muzzle loader and is using my mill to inlet the barrel tangs.





I was going to use a Model-T coil for the ignition, but none of them worked, so I went to the dump and got a microwave oven out of the scrap pile, here's two pictures of the transformer, but I think it's why it ended up in the dump. The primary side reads 0.3 ohms, and the secondary(?) the two black wires reads 0.7 ohms, the red wire reads 0.0 to the transformer frame. I hooked it up to house current and it hums but I can't get a spark out of the secondary. I could use some help or suggestions.


Well, here it is, we finally got some good weather and all the snow melted, my wife forbid me to try and start it in she shop so I set it up in my backyard for it's first attempt. Failure sucks, it won't run, it did leak oil all over my saw horses and the ground but I couldn't even get it to smoke. Oh well, spring is here and my vegtable garden is calling, I'll find a place to store it and take another run at it next winter.

Sad your effort ended without ignition; in addition to the garden, I suggest a go at the yellow Pinto in the background. They so seldom appear anymore, the world needs more exposure to that apex of 70s automobile design. And its the Runabout model with the Pacer sized window: seeing it has me jazzed for a trip down the road cranking the windows open and closed by hand....