The glass scales would be about $300. Not knowing what size you need they may be cheaper. I've yet to use any glass scales but from Yuriy & others that have been messing with both scales they have me believing the glass are far better. The interface might run you around $35 but should be under $50. As far as I know you can't upgrade the non shielded cables. So you will probably want romx to shield them so that is a few more bucks that is already on the glass ones. You have to make covers for the iGuaging that is already in the glass ones.
I'm not against anyone using the iGuaging scales. They just don't seem cost effective to me since the price has more then doubled. I'm still happy with mine but since I can do glass for the same cost I think I'll go that route for my new machine.
I'm not against anyone using the iGuaging scales. They just don't seem cost effective to me since the price has more then doubled. I'm still happy with mine but since I can do glass for the same cost I think I'll go that route for my new machine.