Totally p****d off and other Australianisms

Makes me wonder what people without a Dr. sister do?
I had to take over my healthcare and start telling doctors how it's going to be. You know, after they nearly killed me by dismissing a major issue as Covid for 5 weeks. Turns out I had a ticking time bomb abscess on my kidney. I was ordered to immediately go to the emergency room. 5 days later after 16 bags of IV antibiotics and a surgical drain I walked out healthy phew!
I am totally p****d off (=very angry)
Been well crook (really sick) for 4 weeks now.
Enough is enough, been coughing my lungs up and still am.
Tons of phlegm that wont abate.
2 sets of antibiotics hasnt helped either.
It's made me deaf by blocking my ears, doubled my tinnitus as well.
next appointment is wednesday.
no work in the shop for over 2 weeks now.
Time for a scan (=Senior Citizens Arvo Nap) (arvo = afternoon)

Sorry to hear your sick Savarin, I hope what ever it is you get over it soon.
G'day Charles, Not good news that you're unwell. If you can get hold of some codine that will help. Most Dr's. are reluctand to prescribe it these days, but tell him you need some panadeden forte. Don't say you need it for the codine, just for strong pain, But it works. Also try and get some old fashion cough mixture that contains ammonia and senega, that will help clear the gunk out. I've just been through something similar and it worked for me. Good luck
Thanks guys, I am feeling better today the copious supply of phlegm has dried to a trickle and the coughing is relatively dry and down to approx twice an hour.
I was going to go to the hosp today but will now wait for wednesdays appointment.
Keep on the positive trajectory Charles!

In North America we've apparently had whooping cough making a return.
There is some scary stuff out there.

I would be eating raw garlic and eating vitamin C like crazy, just to kick it in the guts! Get well. cheers
Don't start me on Doctors............
Things are looking up (but not through my binos unfortunately)
Cough and phlegm gone (5 weeks worth) but replaced by sore throat although as I type this it appears to be diminishing fast.
on 2 types of very strong antibiotics that worked like lightning.
Guess I had better make some more kimchi and sauerkraut to replace the gut biome for when they kill all that off.
Now I can get back to work in the shed.
Thanks for all the well wishes guys.
Take care everyone.