Totally p****d off and other Australianisms


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 22, 2012
I am totally p****d off (=very angry)
Been well crook (really sick) for 4 weeks now.
Enough is enough, been coughing my lungs up and still am.
Tons of phlegm that wont abate.
2 sets of antibiotics hasnt helped either.
It's made me deaf by blocking my ears, doubled my tinnitus as well.
next appointment is wednesday.
no work in the shop for over 2 weeks now.
Time for a scan (=Senior Citizens Arvo Nap) (arvo = afternoon)
Sounds very bad. Have the MDs diagnosed the condition? If you're coughing that much, your whole rib cage/core must be crazy sore.
I'll keep a good thought for your fully satisfactory recovery.
I am totally p****d off (=very angry)
Been well crook (really sick) for 4 weeks now.
Enough is enough, been coughing my lungs up and still am.
Tons of phlegm that wont abate.
2 sets of antibiotics hasnt helped either.
It's made me deaf by blocking my ears, doubled my tinnitus as well.
next appointment is wednesday.
no work in the shop for over 2 weeks now.
Time for a scan (=Senior Citizens Arvo Nap) (arvo = afternoon)
What did they say it is?
Sounds like pneumonia.
No answers yet, no sore throat, no temperature, just the slime and cough.
And of course the residual muscle pains left from the incessant coughing.
I am totally over it.
I am totally p****d off (=very angry)
Been well crook (really sick) for 4 weeks now.
Enough is enough, been coughing my lungs up and still am.
Tons of phlegm that wont abate.
2 sets of antibiotics hasnt helped either.
It's made me deaf by blocking my ears, doubled my tinnitus as well.
next appointment is wednesday.
no work in the shop for over 2 weeks now.
Time for a scan (=Senior Citizens Arvo Nap) (arvo = afternoon)
Most importantly, I hope you get well soon. That sounds like a rough haul.

Secondly, your title led me to believe that you were posting a list of Australianisms, like, things only Australians say.

I have to say, I read through it and thought, impressive list - then the "2 sets of antibiotics hasn't helped either" and I thought, that doesn't seem all that Australian to me! :)

Anyway, get well soon and keep us updated!
Have you been outside sweeping your patio? I had something like that recently- a "dust allergy"- especially bad at night
Doctor prescribed a steroid, Claritin and an inhaler- cleared up in a few days
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Sorry to hear that, Hope you're on the mend soon.
Narcotic cough medicine will turn the cough off! I was hacking for a couple weeks once with a nasty bacterial lung infection and a doctor prescribed me this cough medicine. I scoffed, having already tried the useless over the counter cough medicine. But gave it a try, wow instant relief.
Several years ago I went in to the doctor (fill in doc not my regular physician) and told him I have pneumonia. The unfamiliar doctor argued with me and finally relented and ordered xrays but refused antibiotics. This was on the Wednesday before a 3 day weekend.

The following Monday I get a call from the staff telling me to get in immediately, I have pneumonia.

The intervening Thursday I called my sister (a Dr. in another state) and asked her to call in some antibiotics for me. I would have been in REALLY bad shape if she hadn't (spent 3 weeks in the hospital for resistant pneumonia 5 years prior). Makes me wonder what people without a Dr. sister do?

P.S. My regular Dr. would have called in a prescription immediately for antibiotics on Wednesday if he had not been on vacation. I blame the doctor office staff for neglect... but didn't do anything about it.

My point: Be proactive and pester the dr office until you get a satisfactory response. You may have a pneumonia that is resistant to the two antibiotics you have taken. Take every last one of the antibiotic pills! If you get worse this weekend go to argent (urgent) care immediately.
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