tools and tools i cant stop

Because of my collectitis that makes piles of stuff in the garage. My wife says: “if I die first, she’s going to dig me up and kill me”!
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Great stuff Jam!
You are certainly well stocked for beautiful Last Word style DTI's! Wonderful accessories and attachments too.
The entire haul seems great!
Good job!!

I hear ya jam, I have the same problem. Seems almost everyday lately there's a little package in the mail for me! I guess there are worse things to be addicted to.

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You too huh?
You're right about there being worse things too.
Wife: "I see you got a new toy." Me: "This is not a toy it is a very $eriou$ tool, , , , , however,, I do plan to play with it :O). Of course the bottom line, dear,, you will be happy at the auction. Guns and Gear forever, or at least that is the way I vote ! !
I told my wife that when I check out, call the American Pickers.

American Pickers? one word, "No"... :justdont:

In all seriousness gents, not to be morbid but, make a list. Itemize it. A few years ago we helped out a recently widowed lady that
was real close to getting taken. Her husband passed and his shop inventory made mine look puny - dime store even.
She was offered $2500.00 to "take this stuff off her hands". It was well in excess of $100,000.00 <--- At EBay prices!
~25'x30' basement shop, plus a 30'x50' detached shop. Machine shop equipment, welding, wood, the whole gauntlet.

I've joked with my Honey that my proceeds should get her to Italy and back. and she replies, "Back?..."

Wow, yea all kidding aside, that's a good idea.

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Looks like a fun time to check out if they all work right, tinker and fix 'em. I have a similar collection I inherited to go through one of these days.