tools and tools i cant stop


Active User
Aug 25, 2013
some tool that off ebay yard sale and pawn shop in the last week or two I am a tool junkie

$_57.jpggage clamp 01.jpg starrett 12'' 2.jpggem indicator 4.jpga last world 6.jpgbrown sharp 22.jpgStanley 49.jpggem 55.jpg? 56.jpgNTK CERAMIC CUTTING BITS 65.jpglast world 71.jpgstarrett 19678.jpgflower gage 80.jpgbrown and sharp 87.jpgbrown and sharp 90.jpg932.jpglowe indicator The last word patents were 6-29-1915, 9-4-1923, 3-18-1924, 5-25-1926this was before the starrett
711 I have 5 all has 6,29,1915 on the side with the name henry a lowe 99.jpgbrown and sharp and starrett 976.jpgbrown and sharp Stanley 24'' and a 24'' brown and sharp IMG_0054.JPGstarrett
o well I am back on the hunt this weekend its like I cant stop am I a tool junkie ?

$_57.jpg 01.jpg 2.jpg 4.jpg 6.jpg 22.jpg 49.jpg 55.jpg 56.jpg 65.jpg 71.jpg 78.jpg 80.jpg 87.jpg 90.jpg 99.jpg 932.jpg 976.jpg IMG_0054.JPG
Some very nice pieces there.
Some affliction isn't it? If only they could talk and tell of their experience.
The holder like that in the first Pict ($_57.jpg) go for a very nice price on Ebay.
I ended up with (8) out of an auction lot, listed (6) and was pleasantly surprised by what they fetched.
Scored a 36" Starrett height gage but just didn't have the room for it at the time and had to let it go. :(
Now i think back and wonder why i bought all this tuff.
I hear ya jam, I have the same problem. Seems almost everyday lately there's a little package in the mail for me! I guess there are worse things to be addicted to.

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your widow will have a hell of an auction, same as mine :roflmao:
On occassion the wife has said, "Why don't you sell some of the 'duplicate' tools you have?" What! I do not have duplicate tools, I have spares and extras for the time, should it ever arise, when I need more than one of the same tool to do the job.

There are no duplicate tools, just tools you rescued from non-use.
some tool that off ebay yard sale and pawn shop in the last week or two I am a tool junkie

View attachment 80343gage clamp View attachment 80344 starrett 12'' View attachment 80345gem indicator View attachment 80346a last world View attachment 80347brown sharp View attachment 80348Stanley View attachment 80349gem View attachment 80350? View attachment 80351NTK CERAMIC CUTTING BITS View attachment 80352last world View attachment 80353starrett 196View attachment 80354flower gage View attachment 80355brown and sharp View attachment 80356brown and sharp View attachment 80357View attachment 80359lowe indicator The last word patents were 6-29-1915, 9-4-1923, 3-18-1924, 5-25-1926this was before the starrett
711 I have 5 all has 6,29,1915 on the side with the name henry a lowe View attachment 80358brown and sharp and starrett View attachment 80360brown and sharp Stanley 24'' and a 24'' brown and sharp View attachment 80361starrett
o well I am back on the hunt this weekend its like I cant stop am I a tool junkie ?

I can't tell in the last photo if that is a large snap gage or not. Still a nice find and buy.
I'm going to try some of those lines on my wife next time she says 'don't you already have one (some) of those?'
But usually it's 'is that new? I haven't seen it before.' My standby is 'well no dear, I've had that. It's just usually in the drawer'

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Actually I think you're still in the "safe" zone. It doesn't get really bad until you start accumulating multiples of the same items. (ie. don't remember you already have one so buy another) Don't bother to ask how I know this. :o
