Tool help?

I had ordered similar one on Wednesday, not sure if it’s the same seller, the ad looks a little different, mine is suppose to be here by Thursday.
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That totally popped open the search and this came up. I went for it and because I’m a true hobby guy with an old RF30 this will probably do me good for less than half.

Good find.
After you receive it, please mount it with a drill blank or dowel pin in a collet and measure TIR, near the holder plus about an inch away.
I see that the seller says " T.I.R. 0.0001" measured from holder to collet pocket."
That statement leaves me wondering about the TIR of contribution from the collet.
Please report back.
Good find.
After you receive it, please mount it with a drill blank or dowel pin in a collet and measure TIR, near the holder plus about an inch away.
I see that the seller says " T.I.R. 0.0001" measured from holder to collet pocket."
That statement leaves me wondering about the TIR of contribution from the collet.
Please report back.
Hopefully Buffalo21 will do so too. I know it’s not a good thing but I’ve avoided doing TIR of any of my mill stuff because I’m prone to thermal runaway when it comes to precision. And once I start down that abyss I’m going to be broke and suicidal :) Hopefully it will work out as I’m not shooting for aerospace spec on most projects. But having an old used and abused RF30 that I bought for $400 it has followed that I bought bargain tooling looking to get er done rather perfection.
I know it’s not a good thing but I’ve avoided doing TIR of any of my mill stuff because I’m prone to thermal runaway when it comes to precision............ Hopefully it will work out as I’m not shooting for aerospace spec on most projects.

I can understand that but don't ignore tool runout, it's important. Not necessarily for machining tolerances but for the tool. If an endmill has excessive runout it can cause accelerated wear or breakage, especially on the smaller stuff if they can't be run at proper speeds.

And with the end mill extension chuck I would check it cause runout will be amplified due to the long length. I don't always check a tool every time I use it, mainly when I first get it or when I feel the need to, but if something doesn't pass my EBI I'll stop & check it right away.
Thanks DZ, i bow to your superior google fu.

We have a winner and there’s no way homie is gonna pop for that but at least I know now it exists, and what it’s called. Wtih the combo of those and my cheap ways and ability to hang like a virtual vulture the search is on.

Now I know what to call myself when on auction sites... Virtual Vulture. VV7milesup. VV7. VVUp <<<< oooohhh, kinda like that one. LOL
LOL, I’ve referred to myself as that for years. CL and eBay are some of my favorite time wasters. But I get onto a new tool and it gives me focus. Sometimes I get super lucky like the other day when I was on a search for a Starrett acme gauge and they were all either too close to new price or junk. So I did my VV and scored an acme gauge, taper gauge, depth gauge and protractor for $65! All Starrett and in perfect condition. 4 for the price of 1. Patience is key.


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Good find.
After you receive it, please mount it with a drill blank or dowel pin in a collet and measure TIR, near the holder plus about an inch away.
I see that the seller says " T.I.R. 0.0001" measured from holder to collet pocket."
That statement leaves me wondering about the TIR of contribution from the collet.
Please report back.

I have 3 mills, I’ll try it in all of them and report back, held in R8, ER 20/32 and SYOZ 25/EOC 25.
I'm just jumping on Will's bandwagon by re-emphasizing the interest in TIR measurements on this type of tool. Small (maybe VERY small) cutters and long extension from the spindle need very low TIR.

Also, if they are as good as the seller implies, I may need some of that stuff. :grin:
I have one similar to Will's in here at work . Tried to post a pic the past few days but couldn't even post a message . I guess the problem fixed itself ? :dunno: