The majority of my turning is done with a 80° diamond insert, a CNMG-43x. If you get the holder with a negative 5°lead, you can use it for turning and facing without changing anything. Inserts are available in a wide variety of grades and coatings and are relatively inexpensive. For roughing, a larger nose radius is generally more desirable than for finishing, so a -432 I use for roughing and a -431 for finishing. If I have a profile that will not allow the use of that 80° insert, I stay with a diamond, but use a 55° diamond, a DNMG-432 or 1, depending on roughing or finishing.
I'd go with one of the majors like Sandvik or Kennametal on the holder. Parts do wear out, and the bigger companies will support their product a long time. On a common insert like those I described, you can choose from any number of manufacturers. And shop for deals.
For boring, I still stick with a 80° diamond when possible. Larger bars can use the same inserts as the OD holders many times. The changes in rake, etc are in the pocket and or the seat that comes with the bar. Smaller bars are available that hold a diamond insert also, just not the very common 432.
Parting and grooving are a different family group, and I have my personal preferences, but I'll let someone else chime in on those.