Today's Jokes - 2024


"Get out of bed, back cracks, take a step forward, knee cracks, take four more steps, my exhaust starts working and leaves a funny smell hanging about, get to kitchen, boil kettle, go to pour water into a mug to make tea and wrist cracks, go to drink tea, neck cracks, after consuming tea, my intake backfires loudly annoying my missus"

"Get out of bed, back cracks, take a step forward, knee cracks, take four more steps, my exhaust starts working and leaves a funny smell hanging about, get to kitchen, boil kettle, go to pour water into a mug to make tea and wrist cracks, go to drink tea, neck cracks, after consuming tea, my intake backfires loudly annoying my missus"
When I get up in the morning I sound like Rice Crispys for 30 minutes...