Today's Jokes - 2024

My old Picket slide rule sits next to my desk. The adjustable magnesium frame and adjustable cursor made for exceptional accuracy and smoothness. I routinely worked to better than .1% with it. I also had a leather holster with a clip for my belt and the slide rule went everywhere with me. When I needed more accuracy, I had my 12th edition CRC Math Handbook with 5 place log and trig tables. There are twenty pages required for the 5 place log tables. Each additional decimal place requires 10x the number of pages. The scientific calculator in my phone has 10 decimal places. were I replacing it with log tables, I would need a set of volumes containing 2 million pages.

The first electronic calculators became available in 1970. My first calculator was a four banger with a 1/4" high display. The following year I got a TI SR50. I quit carrying the slide rule after that.