Today's Joke - 2023 Mega Thread

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Once upon a time, long, long ago, I loaded up a solid cord of green hickory firewood on a 3/4 t. pickup. Hickory is one of the densest woods in North America and green hickory actually will sink in water. A cord of hickory is on the north side of 6,000 lbs. The springs on that pickup were dead flat and the tires were nearly flat. Fortunately, I was only traveling 10 miles and I made it to my destination with no incident. As I recall, we drove over the scales to get a weight and the gross weight was a few lbs. over 12,000 lbs.
Once upon a time, long, long ago, I loaded up a solid cord of green hickory firewood on a 3/4 t. pickup. Hickory is one of the densest woods in North America and green hickory actually will sink in water. A cord of hickory is on the north side of 6,000 lbs. The springs on that pickup were dead flat and the tires were nearly flat. Fortunately, I was only traveling 10 miles and I made it to my destination with no incident. As I recall, we drove over the scales to get a weight and the gross weight was a few lbs. over 12,000 lbs.
What scales? The highway patrols truck scales? And they let you go? :oops:
What scales? The highway patrols truck scales? And they let you go? :oops:
No, a private scale in a local defunct feed mill. My Mama didn't raise no dummy. I was able to drive back roads to the destination but I also had a farm plate on the truck and IIRC, the gross vehicle weight on that plate was 12,000 lbs.

Interesting tidbit, My ex actually rented the property a few years after and the scale was being scrapped. I actually ended up with that scale less its platform. I scrapped it out a year ago.
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