Today's Joke - 2023 Mega Thread

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Earl had never owned a pair of cowboy boots; so on his 80th birthday goes out and buys himself a brand new pair. He comes home and goes into the bedroom and pulls them on, then walks into the kitchen and asks Ethel, his wife, what she thinks. Ethel replies “What do I think about what?”
Earl, a little ******, goes into the bathroom and strips everything off except for the new boots.
He then goes back inro the kitchen and asks Ethel if she sees anything different., Ethel replies “Nope Earl, it was pointing down last month, it was pointing down last week, it was pointing down yesterday, and it is still pointing down today!” Earl is really ****** and says, “It’s pointing at my new boots, Ethel!” Ethel responds, “ Ya should have bought a hat Earl; ya should have bought a hat!”
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