Today's Joke - 2023 Mega Thread

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still techno in my book..
Kraftwerk is not Techno, even though they are credited with being one of the influences of techno. How I can be certain of this? My friend DJ Shred took me to see Kraftwerk back in the mid oughts, she absolutely hates techno and will get almost violent if anyone even hints she play anything of that genre.
Kraftwerk is not Techno, even though they are credited with being one of the influences of techno. How I can be certain of this? My friend DJ Shred took me to see Kraftwerk back in the mid oughts, she absolutely hates techno and will get almost violent if anyone even hints she play anything of that genre.
If it ain’t techno,,,, what is it? Sounds like techno to me.
President Obama and the King are proceeding towards Buckingham Palace in the king's carriage, waving to thousands of cheering Britons; all is going well.
Suddenly the right rear horse lets fly the most horrendous earth shattering fart ever heard in the British Empire. The smell is atrocious and both passengers in the carriage must use handkerchiefs to cover their noses.
The King turns to her guest, Mr President, please accept my regrets... I'm sure you understand there are some things that even a King cannot control!
In his best Presidential style replied Obama: Your Majesty, please don't give the matter another thought... Until you mentioned it, I thought it was one of the horses.
A man walked into a tuxedo store, looking to buy a suit for an upcoming party. A saleswoman walked over to assist him.
“Hello sir, how may I help you?” she asked.
“I’m looking for a tuxedo,” he replied.
The saleswoman then brought over a few suits to offer to the man.
“Here. This is a navy blue suit. How do you like it?” the saleswoman asked.
“That looks terrible. I do not want that,” the man said, shaking his head.
“How about this? A nice, grey suit,” the saleswoman questioned.
“Ew! That is really atrocious!” the man groaned, recoiling in disgust.
The saleswoman, her temper now rising, held up a black tuxedo and asked, “How about this sir?”
The man yelled, “No! That looks so bad!”
Finally, now unable to control herself, the saleswoman shouted back, “Fine! Suit yourself!”
Some modern definitions
Bulldozing: Falling asleep during a political speech.
Disbar: As distinguished from some other bar.
Exchequer: A retired supermarket employee.
Gambit: Bitten in the leg.
Hangover: The wrath of grapes.
Hypotenuse: The washroom upstairs is occupied.
Incongruous: Where the laws are made.
Molasses: Additional girls.
Pasteurize: Something you see moving.
Polygon: A dead parrot.
Ramshackle: A chain used to tie up a he-goat.
Specimen: An Italian astronaut.
If it ain’t techno,,,, what is it? Sounds like techno to me.
Electronic music, Electro-pop, Synth-pop and Electronic rock. Techno is a particular type of Electronic-dance music that has a high drum beat rate, very repetitive, driving, hyper sound.
Electronic music, Electro-pop, Synth-pop and Electronic rock. Techno is a particular type of Electronic-dance music that has a high drum beat rate, very repetitive, driving, hyper sound.

I had to look it up. A German band. I ordered the set of CDs. I love oompah music.


yea, not my type of music. I was never a techno fobe.

Yeh but their biggest hit was Trans Europe Express in 77

still techno in my book..

Kraftwerk is not Techno, even though they are credited with being one of the influences of techno. How I can be certain of this? My friend DJ Shred took me to see Kraftwerk back in the mid oughts, she absolutely hates techno and will get almost violent if anyone even hints she play anything of that genre.

Thank you all. No wonder I did not get the reference... not my kind of "music" :confused:
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