My hand eye coordination is not so good, I use an electronic stop system. If I recall Lonnie is also using the same system. In the past I would cut a 0.1" relief and thread at around 100 RPM, disengaging the half-nut at the end. Was pretty good at it 9 time out of 10, but also broke a lot of carbide inserts until I went to the laydown type. With the electronic stop my relief is the same width as the threading cutter, and I zero the system to stop at that point. It repeats to better than 0.001" so I do not get the anxiety I use to have with threading, let alone internal to the end of a blind cap. What does surprise me is how clean these type of carbide inserts cut, I can easily shave 0.0001-2" of depth with a nice curl. I also attribute this a bit to the lathe which at 2500 lbs, it is quite rigid and very comfortable to use.
So one other trick that I use for sizing threads, in particular small diameter work where you get more flex, is to cut 90-95% of the thread on the lathe and then do the last finishing fit with as adjustable die cutter. I use the old round style dies with an adjustment screw and have a tsp/die holder for the tailstock so they run true. You can flip the dies when done and use the other side to carefully cut the thread to a shoulder or edge.