L is the leadscrew. H represents spacers, you should have 2 in the tool box that came with the lathe. Let's say you want 12 TPI.
On the leadscrew you have a spacer, then the 80 gear.
The next spot up is a stack with 50 and 75. With the 50 meshed with the 80 on the leadscrew.
At the top, we have a spacer and a 55. The 55 meshes with the 75 and the spindle. The vertical lines show which gears need to be meshed together.
Get those set up properly, set the gearbox to B, set the thread mode, set the direction. Make sure you use the half nut control, not the power feed.
It's not too bad once you see how it works works, but yes, the chart can be confusing. Always take a scratch pass and verify with a pitch gauge. Particularly if you have a thread on a part you spent a lot of time on.