Threading dial alignment.

Putting a washer under the dial wasn't the biggie, I just wasn't sure if I could just engage the half nut and align ANY mark. I thought that would be the case but I wanted to be sure.

I have installed a washer and it is all good to go now.

There are numbers on both sides, I assume metric/inch, but as I have a lot more to learn before I attempt threading on the lathe, it is of no real concern which side I have at the moment.

Thanks for all the replies.
Hopefully your manual will show what dial to use and, as I understand it, which gear to use.
I have seen drawings that had multiple gears on the thread dial for those types of machines.
My machine has a metric lead screw. The gear on the end of the thread dial determines which side should be up on the dial. One gear has 14 teeth and the other has 15. The manual does show which way up the dial is for the given gear. The manuals are pretty good and although there is a few "Chinglish" errors, overall it is very well explained. I just have to count the teeth on the gear now, but like I said, no hurry.