He's referring to the gears on his thread dial. A METRIC thread dial has various gears that allow for spindle/leadscrew syncing so that they can be cut by releasing the half-nut, just like Imperial threads. His chart shows gears of 11, 13, 14 and 15 teeth which are changed depending on the pitch that you want to cut. He says that he only received the 15 tooth gear, which limits him to the pitches that he can cut using the half-nut release method (see chart in post #1).
A METRIC leadscrew can cut both metric and Imperial threads, just as an Imperial leadscrew can cut both Imperial and metric threads IF you have the correct gearing in the HEAD of the lathe. Regardless of the leadscrew, a metric thread requires a special thread dial (which he has) to be able to use the half-nut method of cutting the threads.