Thinking Of Getting A Facemill For My Fr45 Clone

Do you see any difference with the width of your workpiece? Is there a limit to the width of material you should cut with a face mill?

I have a 3" mill and was wondering if there was a rule of thumb where you should always be cutting 1/2 or 3/4 of the mill diameter or something.
You can't bury a face mill 100% in the work it will chatter and screw up and otherwise beautiful finish. Even for roughing passes I try to use maybe 70% to 80% of the tool.
I use mine for 1.5" wide and up. Currently my biggest endmill is .500" so not good for getting stock flat with a decent finish.
I finally found a Glacern face mill on Ebay. 2 1/2" FM45-250 face mill, R8-FM100 holder and 10 Korloy SEHT43-X83 inserts. Not quite the swinging deal that Sanddan scored but less than 1/3 the cost of new. Oh, did I mention that everything is NEW. Can't get here soon enough.
Congrats I have the same face mill. I paid retail, clearly I need to learn ebay.
Yeppers, Ebay has saved me some serious $$$. Obviously, you have to be careful and ask the right questions.
I received the Glacern FM45-250 facemill today. What a sweet piece of equipment. I think I need a cigarette!
Identical to the pics in post 24 of this thread except with one less. Mine has 5 cutters while Sanddan's has 6. Almost too purty to use... almost.
Oh hell, that is you Sanddan. Go look at yours.