There's a Reason Why It's Called a Morse Taper....


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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Nov 27, 2012
.... Cause the shank is tapered ya dummy (dummy being me of course)! This was the 4th chuck I took apart today & stupid me did not pay attention to the table on my arbor press, slot was too small.

Luckily my local MSC had it in stock & they were open for "curbside pickup" (call in order, transaction handled at the door) so all is good. Still though $23 down the drain & I still feel like an idiot!

I swear this kind of stuff never happens to me. My work is always good sometimes! :big grin:

it will buff out!

Yeah I could of actually just ground it down & it would have been perfectly fine. Dummy me had to go out & buy a replacement right away. And after I got home dummy me found a spare used one in a drawer that I had no idea I had! :confused 3:

It was definitely a Fk up Friday for me! :D
Yeah I could of actually just ground it down & it would have been perfectly fine. Dummy me had to go out & buy a replacement right away. And after I got home dummy me found a spare used one in a drawer that I had no idea I had! :confused 3:

It was definitely a Fk up Friday for me! :D
i can't tell you how many times how many times i bought replacements and hid them from myself, only to be found when looking through unrelated tooling.

i wish the Fkery was limited to only Fridays for me :congratulate:
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It seems like you have done this a few times before. Why not take a file/grinder and knock off the sharp edge of the arbor press slot? Might prevent the next the one...
Remove the proud metal from the tang, make it smooth, the tapered hole won't know the difference.
Yeah I could of actually just ground it down & it would have been perfectly fine. Dummy me had to go out & buy a replacement right away. And after I got home dummy me found a spare used one in a drawer that I had no idea I had

For true, X2. It seems OCD and early onset CRS are bad combination.

jack vines