The New Kurt Dx6

Thanks for the offer Ted, but I'll just keep the blinds shut and the door locked, and save the postage.....

Dammit!! I was afraid you weren't going to appreciate my generous offer !

That is one really fine looking piece. With a little care, that thing will be here for several generations. Congrats.

Is the base price much Different? Will you take a big hit on the shipping? Is there a re-stocking cost as well?
Tough Call, but you need to be satisfied with your purchase going forward.
Is the base price much Different? Will you take a big hit on the shipping? Is there a re-stocking cost as well?
Tough Call, but you need to be satisfied with your purchase going forward.
Nope. 40 bucks different, shipping is fee and no fee.
You don't have to get your balls from msc, or eBay . Stop in pepboys or Wal-Mart , get yourself a 2"hitch ball , cut the threads off slot and weld to your wrench . Done . I have several around so I did just that looks good will take hammering and abuse really well. Just my way of saving a buck or two. I sure would love one of those new vises , but YA gotta go with what YA can get. They are beautiful good luck with them guys treat them as good tools deserve.
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Wanted to get a update on the vise. Have you had any issues or concerns with it?
I finally got my mill last month and am still in the process of setting it up. I'll have to let you know but I would bet dollars to donuts that there won't be any.