Tenths Indicator Choices


Apr 14, 2021
I don't yet have a tenths indicator, and I've been perusing the web for options. My immediate use will be scraping in the cross slide on my lathe, plus general use. What's everyone's thoughts on the options? Buy once cry once on an Interapid? ($300) Mitutoyo? ($200) Shars? ($70)

I don't yet have a tenths indicator, and I've been perusing the web for options. My immediate use will be scraping in the cross slide on my lathe, plus general use. What's everyone's thoughts on the options? Buy once cry once on an Interapid? ($300) Mitutoyo? ($200) Shars? ($70)


I bought an econo-import DTI. Even so, it set me back about $45. I cannot recommend buying a cheapie. It was the absolute lowest price that I could find anywhere on the internet, & it performs as such.

I was using it to trammel a head on a knee mill + indicate a vise on the same mill. Not surprisingly, .0001” grads were too fine for this task. .0005” did the trick.

Unless the surface finish is up to the task, a .0001” DTI jumps all over the place just on the variations in the surface finish.

As I recall, my .0001” grad DTI wasn’t even close to keeping a zero on the reference jaw of a brand new Kurt vise!
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I bought Mitutoyo. Works very well. Not jeweled, but seems to last very well (so says my machinist friends) Used my 7 years, and works like new.

I will be getting a half-tenths Interrapid one day (over the rainbow) if I ever save up enough sheckels (CDN$)