Tamarack MN Scraping July 2024

John, thanks for posting the pictures and thanks for all your help during the class and our stay at Daryl's guest house.
It was great to meet you and the rest of the crew. I hope to get out there again and see that Roundhouse, some time soon!
Eddy, what a pleasure to spend time with you and Fred. Learning about your home states, hearing your stories and learning about your projects was great fun. Although I did not participate in the scraping, hearing the instruction again and seeing the progress you both made helped cement the process more firmly in my mind. Happy scraping to you both and may your points per inch always be high!

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For Mills: am running VN12 with universal subhead, VN6 with slotter, Cincy Toolmaster 1D with slotter, and soon ... a rebuilt VN22LU with subhead and full set of VN2 collets, VN horizontal 10" DH, and VN drill adapter (unless I decide to sell the pile). Looks like 2 Bridgeys and a Logan coming in this fall for winter rebuilds. Will need the space so the VN22 may get rehomed.

Any interest in coming to play, then please let us know.

Daryl, do you have a place that will grind bed ways for you? You said a Logan might be coming so wondering how you deal with worn beds? Assuming they are hardened of course.
Need a planer.
I've got a friend in the area with a planer mill. But that's currently out of service, with no anticipated repair date. Am trying to get him to sell it to me. No progress there.

The St Paul Roundhouse has a vintage planer Dennis Danich is working on dialing in. Use of the Roundhouse is open to very active members for private projects. But you'd need to have many volunteer hours logged and then be vetted on the machine you intend to use.

I've been careful/lucky to avoid machines with messed up hardened surfaces.

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