Taking the CNC Plunge

Are you running the ESS on a dedicated 5v power supply?

For your finishes to degrade after changing the electronics suggests a problem with the settings or possibly electrical interference. I will see if I can get screen captures of my ESS configuration for comparison.

Yes, I have a dedicated 5vdc power supply to the ESS.

Here's a picture of a steel part I made before the electronics changeout. Notice the very smooth machined edge.
20170720_083723_resized - Copy.jpg

A picture of the pocket in my test piece. Notice the faceted finish.

This is the part I made last week that prompted this thread. The exterior profile surface finish is "ugly".
Dont know if you feel safe about running some one else's g code but if you do... Stock is 3"x 3"x .5" and X Y zero is center of stock and z zero is top of stock. I used a .250" engraver for the chamfer, but any size would work as long as it comes to a point.

I'll see if I can find some time today to run the code. If not then it will be a week or so. Heading out of town in the morning.

Thanks for your input. I really appreciate it.
Yes, finishing pass with a spring pass. My drivers are set for microstepping. I'll have to look at the specific setting. Can't remember because it's been so long since I set them up.

I have some backlash. About .002" in X and Y but as I said in my previous post the mild steel parts I made before the electronics upgrade had a very good surface finish.

The CAD model is Fusion 360 format. I've attached it below. Change the file type from .txt to .f3d and it should open.

For reference my X and Y axis drivers are set for 1000 microsteps.
The finish on the first steel part is pretty amazing, no faciting at all.
On the aluminum one, i see some chatter marks as it comes past the ear. (Much better pics btw) Ive had similar when my headstock gibs were loose. It was more apparent on the backside of the part then the side facing you. Maybe try milling a square noting the axis on it and compair finishes on each side??
Not saying that its the problem your having, but making note of the axis on the part may help point in some direction.
I'll see if I can find some time today to run the code. If not then it will be a week or so. Heading out of town in the morning.

Thanks for your input. I really appreciate it.

I ran your code. Results were the same as the parts I posted above. What CAM program do you use?
The finish on the first steel part is pretty amazing, no faciting at all.
On the aluminum one, i see some chatter marks as it comes past the ear. (Much better pics btw) Ive had similar when my headstock gibs were loose. It was more apparent on the backside of the part then the side facing you. Maybe try milling a square noting the axis on it and compair finishes on each side??
Not saying that its the problem your having, but making note of the axis on the part may help point in some direction.

The faceting is the same all the way around the pocket/hole. Looks to me it's not axis related.

My headstock gibs, if anything, are a bit on the tight side. I haven't checked the X and Y gibs yet but it's on my to do list.
I ran your code. Results were the same as the parts I posted above. What CAM program do you use?

I'm using sprut cam all though I have been tempted to switch to fusion 360, but I would have to learn thier cad as well. I use alibre for cad and like it better than fusions.
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The faceting is the same all the way around the pocket/hole. Looks to me it's not axis related.

My headstock gibs, if anything, are a bit on the tight side. I haven't checked the X and Y gibs yet but it's on my to do list.

Im at a loss....I do get some faceting but its pretty minimal. Ill have to see if I can get a pic uploaded for you to see.
Im at a loss....I do get some faceting but its pretty minimal. Ill have to see if I can get a pic uploaded for you to see.

A comparison pic would be great.

I've just about exhausted the possibility of a mechanical problem, except for checking the X and Y gib adjustment. I have to believe it's an electronics issue because I was able to get good surface finishes before I installed the new stuff. I'm hoping it's a simple fix.