Surface grinder diamond dresser

OK, I can see using it for side dressing the wheel, by moving the spindle up and down, but not for angle grinding or radius dressing the side of the wheel, at least not with only what we are looking at to do it with.
The angles have a purpose, it's just not what you think. Typically the wheel is dressed with the diamond directly under the centerline of the spindle. This requires the wheel to be several inches above the magnet. If you have a thinner work piece and you want to touch up the wheel in the middle of the job, you simply move the wheel off to the side and use the dresser on the angled side to dress the wheel from off center of the spindle line. This uses the longitude feed instead of the vertical feed to make a radical change in height.
With the wheel stopped, the diamond is moved to touch the wheel and the cross feed is backed out. Then the spindle is started and a pass is taken, with maybe one more using the down feed no more than .010". This gives you a clean wheel and still close proximity to the work piece.
Derf I think you’ve nailed it. I can see what your describing. Thanks to all for your responses.