I got my TouchDRO DIY adapter (the 2020 version, not the latest), and I've had a blast getting it hooked up to my Shahe Scales using some USB breakout boards. It's stretching my very limited electronics skills. To connect the USB boards to the Adapter, I soldered pin headers to each board, and used jumper wires to make the connection. That looks like it may have been a mistake - the scales read correctly 90% of the time, but they'll sometimes jump back and forth on readings, or slowly (over 3-4 seconds) "climb" to another reading. After reviewing the avoiding common problems page, I've used an isolated power adapter, and tried connecting a ground from the adapter to the frame of the scale, but I'm still having the issue. My scales aren't mounted on the machine yet - they're on a wooden table, so I don't think I can have a ground loop, so my suspicion is that noise is affecting my jumper wires. Would replacing the jumper wires with a shielded ethernet cable be a possible solution? I would need to solder the shield to ground on the adapter board, I believe.
The issue happens on all axes, even when only a single axis is connected.
The issue happens on all axes, even when only a single axis is connected.